
Happy Lotus Parents Say...

You Are Miracle Workers!

I would like to let you know how grateful and eternally thankful I am and always will be, of you and all of the Lotus team. You are an angel that has made our dream come true.

Our experience with Lotus has been NOTHING but phenomenal and I cannot praise you and the team enough. GE is thriving! She is perfect, healthy, and happy and every day I feel truly blessed to be a mother... This is because of you.

I am writing up a post, as GE is 3 months old today 🙂and sharing it on Facebook in both surrogacy groups praising Lotus and sharing our timeline of events. Yes, we had some hiccups on our journey, which is reality and to be expected. But Lotus held our hand the entire way and beat all of our expectations.

Honestly, you are miracle workers!

October, 2019

Excited To Be Working With Lotus Again

Words cannot express how we feel about everything Lotus Surrogacy has done for us. We are so excited to be finally holding our baby girl. She is such a ray of light in our lives.

The years and many many fertility treatments and doctors we experienced on our journey to our baby girl melted away. We chose to use an Egg Donor Surrogacy program and we were so happy with this program. From the IP coordinators to the on the ground staff in Kyiv, Ukraine we cannot thank you enough for the attention to detail and care that you provided on our year-long journey.

We are so excited to be working with Lotus Surrogacy again to give our baby girl a brother or sister. The information provided by Lotus Surrogacy to help us complete our journey and return home was so invaluable and a much appreciated added bonus.

Thank you, Lotus for everything you have done.

Matt and Rebecca N, Sydney Australia

Matt and Rebecca N.
October, 2019

Truly Wonderful In Helping Make Our Dreams Come True

What a quick journey this has been – in less than a year, we added 2 more boys to our family.

We wanted a sibling for our 3-year-old son, but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to carry any longer. My doctor recommended we turn to surrogacy. My husband researched and came up with Lotus, based on rave reviews. We signed up, visited Ukraine in May 2018 when we met our surrogate (we were also using donor eggs).

On the second transfer in August, we got the positive news – twins were confirmed on the first ultrasound. On April 5, we flew to Kyiv just in time for the birth of our sons, Sam and Alex.

Now, including our dog, we have 4 children and a very full, chaotic life – thanks to everyone at Lotus. They have been truly wonderful in helping make our dreams come true.

May, 2019

You Truly Made All Our Dreams Come True

Dear Dana and the Lotus family,
We will hopefully be going home to Melbourne, Australia this week.
Jon became an Aussie on Tuesday and we completed our passport interview on Thursday.

I just wanted to thank you all so much.
You truly made all our dreams come true. We feel so blessed.

Yanir and Oksana, the help you have provided to us while we were in Ukraine during this crazy time of COVID-19 has been absolutely priceless. The running around you did for us while we were in quarantine was greatly appreciated. We will be able to go home sooner as a result.

Yanir and Oksana We think you managed and handled a very difficult situation with our SM extremely professional.

Shir and Noa, thank you so much for your support and constant communication during the last two years. Lotus are very lucky to have you both.

Dana, you have an amazing team. All your support and professionalism have been greatly appreciated. You were there when things got tough for a bit there. You gave us the confidence either way, that everything would be ok.

We want to thank a big thank you again and we wish you all the very best.

Leisha, Michael and Jon xx

Leisha, Michael and Jon xx
July, 2020

Phenomenal Care

We are a family of Four!! Quattro! Our Son has a sister! We have 2 kids!! Gosh, we have been praying for that for the past 7 years.

Only 2.5 years ago, a friend’s recommendation connected us with Lotus. Things this friend of mine told me explained without a doubt that this is our path, and this is the agency we want to go with.

We wanted to have a trustworthy and honest agency. With a staff that understands the delicacy of the emotional part on the parent’s side. That has a staff from other places in the world, and not only for language issues, also for cultural aspects. And much more!! Lotus seems to be the agency that filled all of our criteria.

And so we began our journey 2.5 years ago, with 12 eggs harvested but only 4 embryos, while only 2 had a higher score. We used both of them, one survived and the pregnancy began! ....unfortunately, this pregnancy ended at 10 weeks. It was devastating!! But what I am here for is to share the phenomenal care, we received from Lotus!! Everything was explained to us by Dana with amazing patience and zero judgment for the questions’ relevance.

Throughout the journey, all decisions were ours to decide, but we have received each time the full spectrum of parameters and transparency - To be able to make the right decision. It took us 8 months to pick up our optimism back up. And we decided to try again. Lotus were, as always, kind and communicative. This round ended up with 3 embryos. We chose the best one to implant in our SM. And the good healthy pregnancy began.

38 weeks later we are heading to the delivery room. With Lotus by our side, we arrived not ready in regards to gown and shoe covers. Yanir had a few extra in his car for us. Everything is translated if needed. Everything goes smoothly. SM is giving birth and the staff at the hospital, which seems to like and collaborate with Lotus, directed me to a skin-to-skin moment with our baby girl.

We stayed at the Hospital couple of days. All staff was kind and understanding. We had Yanir, Oxana, and Uliana supporting us 24/7 for any question small or big. Registration, SM giving up her rights, Money, DNA, everything is done with the direction and personal guidance of Lotus. We don’t need to think of anything... thank god, as our nights just turns short 🙂

It is official, we have a daughter! We are a family of four!!

Thank you, Dana, Yanir, Oksana, Shir, Noa, Uliana, Olina, 🙏🏻💞

May, 2019

Better late than never!

Better late than never! Just wanted to drop a note to say that I cannot thank Lotus and the team enough. It was such a challenging journey for Arif Kapasi and I but here we are less than a year later with our miracle baby Summer Rayn. Credit where credit is due every member of the Lotus team were there every step of the way.

The UK process wanted no less than 45 individual documents and I think we would never have gotten this far and crossed the finishing line without all the support from Dana, Noa, Shir, Olena, Uliana, Yannir, Aksana. Thank you for delivering our miracle and ♥️♥️♥️

Summer Rayn
September, 2020

Very Positive Experience

Just to let you know we have arrived home safely. The flight was long but good. We just wanted to say a huge thank you for all you did to help support us to make our dream of having another baby come true. We are so happy with our beautiful boy James and we felt that overall our experience pre and post-birth with James was wonderful.

We also felt very happy with the level of communication and assistance provided particularly by Shir and Noa all through the pregnancy and it was beautiful to have the support of Uliana and Olena for so much translation and support afterward. It was also so lovely to meet and have conversations and support from Yannir, Oxana, and Dana. Thank you all.

Overall, we felt the service provided by you all at Lotus was excellent and we would happily and highly recommend your agency to anyone who was to inquire about surrogacy options. We were also very happy with the level of care Tatiana received at the Adonis clinic throughout her pregnancy. We felt her gynecologist was fantastic and thorough. We also had a very positive experience with Adonis maternity hospital and although it cost us extra, we were thrilled at how open they were to allowing our SM to be part of our experience post-birth. This meant a lot to us that she was able to visit our room and spend time with us post-birth. We also felt their staff were lovely and it was especially wonderful that the hospital was happy for our older daughter to stay with us too.

So it really is with heartfelt thanks that we write this email and farewell you all. With luck, we will return to Ukraine in the coming years and perhaps get to see some or all of you again.

We adored our time in Kiev. It is a beautiful city and we found the culture and people of Ukraine to be friendly and lovely. We felt very safe there too. We already miss being there, especially sunny days.

Thank you again.

Much love,
Proud parents of baby James x

Proud parents of baby James
September, 2019

Recommend Lotus To Anyone

The agency honestly matters when it comes to the success of the procedure. Candor in the initial process, assistance along the way, and selection of the finest facilities lead to a path of success.

Our twins were born healthy within 10 months after signing up with Lotus!!! We certainly recommend Lotus to anyone else who is looking at the surrogacy/IVF options.

Gabi & Bryan H., USA

Gabi & Bryan H.
January, 2020

We Really Can't Thank Lotus Enough

In early 2017 after some research, we contacted Lotus Surrogacy to enquire about their Surrogacy program. Today I sit here watching my two almost one-year-old babies who are perfect, healthy, and the complete joy of our lives, and without Lotus, none of this would have been possible.

I will be the first to admit I was not an easy client however throughout our journey Dana and her team were responsive and assisted in more ways than they had too. They went above and beyond. We were due to travel to Kiev from Australia in April 2017 but my husband got ill. Dana spent weeks assisting us and arranging for our genetic material to get to Kiev because we couldn't fly. Dana even got us a cheaper price for the travel of our precious cargo as she tagged us onto another couple's pick up.

Our journey to have a family was long, we took 3 transfers and 2 surrogates to get a BFP positive pregnancy. Dana and Shir were so patient and supportive to us. They gave us discounts in times of stress for transfers and sent me the kindest emails to try to give me hope. They understood how we felt when we really felt so desperate. Then our positive came I think that Dana and Shir were as happy as we were to see those results. I still remember my husband crying!!!

Throughout the pregnancy Lotus kept me updated on all scans. They replied to my many emails. Again I admit I was difficult I was always anxious. Dana knew this and remained calm and kind. On one occasion Yanir rang me to update me over the phone because he understood that I was anxious for an update so he called me. Our Surrogate I was in contact with via What's app from early in the pregnancy. We messaged daily. I am still friends with our Surrogate today.

At around 30 weeks our surrogate had some issues at a scan. The issues were twin related because almost all multiple pregnancies come with added risks. This is something we knew and accepted before we made the decision to transfer multiple embryos. After the scan Lotus got our surrogate hospitalized. She was placed under the care of one of the top professors in Kiev and that is where she stayed until our twins came at 36 plus weeks. Yanir told us our surrogate constantly kept them guessing. We expected birth every week from week 30 to week 36. Our surrogate had weekly scans and daily heartbeat checks. I know this because my surrogate sent me the heartbeat doppler audio of my daughter who was the at-risk baby (ironically she now is the boss of our family). Lotus sent me official medical reports weekly as well that were translated to English so I was kept very informed.

Lotus assisted with arranging travel to Kiev and pick up at Kiev. As soon as we landed Dana was on my phone assisting with our pick up and a Lotus rep met us at our apartment. At my request, Lotus took us to the hospital to meet our surrogate soon after we arrived and they sent their interpreter with us so we could talk. Our surrogate looked amazing considering she was 35 weeks pregnant with twins. She told me that our son was going to be a soccer player 😂. Today I must admit he is pretty good at throwing things around and creating a mess.

The birth was a planned cesarean at the advice of the professor. Lotus always took the professor's advice Yanir would personally follow up with him on the surrogates. Then Yanir updated us so we knew what to expect. On the day Yanir picked us up and took us to hospital. Everything went smoothly and after the birth Dana and Shir both contacted us immediately as well to share in the happy news. A lotus interpreter visited us regularly at the hospital to assist with pediatrician communication.

In the hospital, we saw our Surrogate several times who recovered quickly and was very keen to go home and see her son. Remember she had been in the hospital for 6 weeks at this point. She barely even complained. She was/ is an absolute saint! To this day she loves seeing photos of our twins and seeing how healthy they are. She comments and likes every single baby spam photo I put up on Facebook. I also love seeing her son photos.

Our exit to come home went smoothly we had our paperwork done fast. We really can't thank Lotus enough. Without them, we would never have become parents. We feel truly blessed to be in the position we are in today. I just want to add that anyone who considers surrogacy abroad has to understand that Ukraine is not Australia. The culture there is different, as is their way of life and you need to be prepared for this. My husband and I are not travelers we are very much homebodies but in hindsight we found Ukraine to be okay.

Yes, we had our moments but life is never meant to be easy. Having a good company like Lotus behind you helps with your time in Ukraine as well. They are familiar with the country and can assist with everything and anything. I know that Lotus has even assisted other clients by standing in queues to purchase for them tickets to shows!!! How amazing is that?
Thanks again team Lotus!!

S, S, N, E, M & H ❤
August, 2019

Very Positive Experience

Just to let you know we have arrived home safely. The flight was long but good. We just wanted to say a huge thank you for all you did to help support us to make our dream of having another baby come true. We are so happy with our beautiful boy James and we felt that overall our experience pre and post birth with James was wonderful.We also felt very happy with the level of communication and assistance provided particularly by Shir and Noa all through the pregnancy and it was beautiful to have the support of Uliana and Olena for so much translation and support afterwards. It was also so lovely to meet and have conversations and support from Yannir, Oxana and Dana. Thank you all.Overall, we felt the service provided by you all at Lotus was excellent and we would happily and highly recommend your agency to anyone who was to inquire about surrogacy options. We were also very happy with the level of care Tatiana received at Adonis clinic throughout her pregnancy. We felt her gynecologist was fantastic and thorough. We also had a very positive experience with Adonis maternity hospital and although it cost us extra, we were thrilled at how open they were to allowing our SM to be part of our experience post birth. This meant a lot to us that she was able to visit our room and spend time with us post birth. We also felt their staff were lovely and it was especially wonderful that the hospital was happy for our older daughter to stay with us too.So it really is with heartfelt thanks that we write this email and farewell you all. With luck we will return to Ukraine in coming years and perhaps get to see some or all of you again.We adored our time in Kiev. It is a beautiful city and we found the culture and people of Ukraine to be friendly and lovely. We felt very safe there too. We already miss being there, especially the sunny days.Thank you again.Much love,Proud parents of baby James x

profile-picProud parents of baby JamesSeptember, 2019

Recommend Lotus To Anyone

The agency honestly matters when it comes to the success of the procedure. Candor in the initial process, assistance along the way and selection of the finest facilities leads to a path of success.Our twins were born healthy within 10 months after signing up with Lotus!!! We certainly recommend Lotus to anyone else who is looking at the surrogacy/IVF options.

Gabi & Bryan H., USA

profile-picGabi & Bryan H.January, 2020

Excited To Be Working With Lotus Again

Words cannot express how we feel about everything Lotus Surrogacy has done for us. We are so excited to be finally holding our baby girl. She is such a ray of light in our lives.The years and many many fertility treatments and doctors we experienced on our journey to our baby girl melted away. We chose to use an Egg Donor Surrogacy program and we were so happy with this program. From the IP coordinators to the on the ground staff in Kyiv, Ukraine we cannot thank you enough for the attention to detail and care that you provided on our year long journey.We are so excited to be working with Lotus Surrogacy again to give our baby girl a brother or sister. The information provided by Lotus Surrogacy to help us complete our journey and return home was so invaluable and a much appreciated added bonus.Thank you Lotus for everything you have done.Matt and Rebecca N, Sydney Australia

profile-picMatt and Rebecca N.October, 2019

You Are Miracle Workers!

I would like to let you know how grateful and eternally thankful I am and always will be, of you and all of the Lotus team. You are an angel that has made our dream come true.Our experience with Lotus has been NOTHING but phenomenal and I cannot praise you and the team enough. Gia is thriving! She is perfect, healthy and happy and everyday i feel truly blessed to be a mother… This is because of you.I am writing up a post, as Gia is 3 months old today 🙂and sharing it on facebook in both surrogacy groups praising Lotus and sharing our timeline of events. Yes, we had some hiccups on our journey, which is reality and to be expected. But, Lotus held our hand the entire way and beat all of our expectations.Honestly you are miracle workers!

profile-picEllie, Shane & GiaOctober, 2019

Phenomenal Care

We are a family of Four!! Quattro! Our Son has a sister! We have 2 kids!! Gosh, we have been praying for that for the past 7 years.Only 2.5 years ago, a friend’s recommendation connected us with Lotus. Things this friend of mine told me explained without a doubt that this is our path , and this is the agency we want to go with.We wanted to have a trustworthy and honest agency. With staff that understands the delicacy of the emotional part on the parent’s side. That has staff from other places in the world, and not only for language issues, also for cultural aspects. And much more!! Lotus seems to be the agency that filled all of our criteria.And so we began our journey 2.5 years ago, with 12 eggs harvested but only 4 embryos, while only 2 had a higher score. We used both of them, one survived and the pregnancy began! ….unfortunately this pregnancy ended at 10 weeks. It was devastating!! But what I am here for is to share the phenomenal care, we received from Lotus!! Everything was explained to us by Dana with amazing patience and zero judgment for the questions’ relevance.Throughout the journey, all decisions were ours to decide, but we have received each time the full spectrum of parameters and transparency – To be able to make the right decision. It took us 8 months to pick up our optimism back up. And we decided to try again. Lotus were, as always , kind and communicative. This round ended up with 3 embryos. We chose the best one to implant in our SM. And the good healthy pregnancy began.38 weeks later we are heading to the delivery room. With Lotus by our side, we came not ready in regards of gown and shoes covers. Yanir had few extra in his car for us. Everything is translated if needed. Everything goes smoothly. SM is giving birth and the staff at the hospital, which seems to like and collaborate with Lotus, directed me to a skin to skin moment with our baby girl.We stayed at the Hospital couple of days. All staff was kind and understanding. We had Yanir, Oxana and Uliana supporting us 24/7 for any question small or big. Registration, SM giving up her rights, Money, DNA, everything is done with the direction and personal guidance of Lotus. We don’t need to think of anything… thank god, as our nights just turns short 🙂It is official, we have a daughter! We are a family of four!!Thank you, Dana, Yanir, Oksana, Shir, Noa, Uliana, Olina, 🙏🏻💞

profile-picMeitalMay, 2019

Truly Wonderful In Helping Make Our Dreams Come True

What a quick journey this has been – in less than a year, we added 2 more boys to our family.We wanted a sibling for our 3-year-old son, but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to carry any longer. My doctor recommended we turn to surrogacy. My husband researched and came up with Lotus, based on rave reviews. We signed up, visited Ukraine in May 2018 when we met our surrogate (we were also using donor eggs).On the second transfer in August, we got the positive news – twins were confirmed on the first ultrasound. On April 5, we flew to Kyiv just in time for the birth of our sons, Sam and Alex.Now, including our dog, we have 4 children and a very full, chaotic life – thanks to everyone at Lotus. They have been truly wonderful in helping make our dreams come true.

profile-picMindyMay, 2019

We Really Can’t Thank Lotus Enough

In early 2017 after some research we contacted Lotus Surrogacy to enquire about their Surrogacy program. Today I sit here watching my two almost one year old babies who are perfect, healthy and the complete joy of our lives and without Lotus none of this would have been possible.I will be the first to admit I was not an easy client however through out our journey Dana and her team were responsive and assisted in more ways than they had too. They went above and beyond. We were due to travel to Kiev from Australia in April 2017 but my husband got ill. Dana spent weeks assisting us and arranging for our genetic material to get to Kiev because we couldn’t fly. Dana even got us a cheaper price for the travel of our precious cargo as she tagged us onto another couples pick up.Our journey to have a family was long, we took 3 transfers and 2 surrogates to get a BFP positive pregnancy. Dana and Shir were so patient and supportive to us. They gave us discounts in times of stress for transfers and sent me the kindest emails to try to give me hope. They understood how we felt when we really felt so desperate. Then our positive came I think that Dana and Shir were as happy as we were to see those results. I still remember my husband crying!!!Throughout the pregnancy Lotus kept me updated on all scans. They replied to my many emails. Again I admit I was difficult I was always anxious. Dana knew this and remained calm and kind. On one occassion Yanir rang me to update me over the phone because he understood that I was anxious for an update so he called me. Our Surrogate I was in contact with via What’s app from early in the pregnancy. We messaged daily. I am still friends with our Surrogate today.At around 30 weeks our surrogate had some issues at a scan. The issues were twin related because almost all multiple pregnancies come with added risks. This is something we knew and accepted before we made the decision to transfer multiple embryos. After the scan Lotus got our surrogate hospitilised. She was placed under the care of one of the top professors in Kiev and that is where she stayed until our twins came at 36 plus weeks. Yanir told us our surrogate constantly kept them guessing. We expected birth every week from week 30 to week 36. Our surrogate had weekly scans and daily heartbeat checks. I know this because my surrogate sent me the heart beat doppler audio of my daughter who was the at risk baby (ironically she now is the boss of our family). Lotus sent me official medical reports weekly as well that were translated to English so I was kept very informed.Lotus assisted with arranging travel to Kiev and pick up at Kiev. As soon as we landed Dana was on my phone assisting with our pick up and a Lotus rep met us at our apartment. At my request Lotus took us to the hospital to meet our surrogate soon after we arrived and they sent their interpretor with us so we could talk. Our surrogate looked amazing considering she was 35 weeks pregnant with twins. She told me that our son was going to be a soccer player 😂. Today I must admit he is pretty good at throwing things around and creating a mess.The birth was a planned ceasarian at the advise of the professor. Lotus always took the professors advice Yanir would personally follow up with him on the surrogates. Then Yanir updated us so we knew what to expect. On the day Yanir picked us up and took us to hospital. Everything went smoothly and after the birth Dana and Shir both contacted us immediately as well to share in the happy news. A lotus interpretor visited us regulary at hospital to assist with paedatrician communication.In hospital we saw our Surrogate several times who recovered quickly and was very keen to go home and see her son. Remember she had been in hospital for 6 weeks at this point. She barely even complained. She was/ is an absolute saint! To this day she loves seeing photos of our twins and seeing how healthy they are. She comments and likes every single baby spam photo I put up on facebook. I also love seeing her sons photos.Our exit to come home went smoothly we had our paperwork done fast. We really can’t thank Lotus enough. Without them we would never have become parents. We feel truly blessed to be in the position we are in today. I just want to add that anyone who considers surrogacy abroad has to understand that Ukraine is not Australia. The culture there is different, as is their way of life and you need to be prepared for this. My husband and I are not travellers we are very much home bodies but in hindsight we found Ukraine to be okay.Yes we had our moments but life is never meant to be easy. Having a good company like Lotus behind you helps with your time in Ukraine as well. They are familiar with the country and can assist with everything and anything. I know that Lotus has even assisted other clients by standing in queues to purchase them tickets to shows!!! How amazing is that.Thanks again team Lotus!!

profile-picS, S, N, E, M & H ❤August, 2019

You Truly Made All Our Dreams Come True

Dear Dana and the Lotus family,We will hopefully be going home to Melbourne, Australia this week.Jon became an Aussie on Tuesday and we completed our passport interview on Thursday.I just wanted to thank you all so much.You truely made all our dreams come true. We feel so blessed.Yannir, and Oksana, the help you have provided to us while we were in the Ukraine during this crazy time of COVID-19 has been absolutely priceless. The running around you did for us while we were in quarantine was greatly appreciated. We will be able to go home sooner as a result.Yannir and Oksana We think you managed and handled a very difficult situation with our SM extremely professional.Shir and Noa, thank you so much for your support and constant communication during the last two years. Lotus are very lucky to have you both.Dana, you have an amazing team. All your support and professionalism has been greatly appreciated. You were there when things got tough for a bit there. You gave us the confidence either way, that everything would be ok.We want to thank a big thank you again and we wish you all the very best.Leisha, Michael and Jon xx

profile-picLeisha, Michael and Jon xxJuly, 2020

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